Access Controlled Egress Door In 2023

Locks 7 Applications and the Codes That Apply
Locks 7 Applications and the Codes That Apply from

Access Controlled Egress Door in 2023

What is an Access Controlled Egress Door?

An access controlled egress door is a type of door that allows authorized individuals to exit a building while restricting access to unauthorized individuals. It is commonly used in high-security areas such as government buildings, research facilities, and data centers.

How Does an Access Controlled Egress Door Work?

An access controlled egress door typically consists of a card reader, a locking mechanism, and an exit button. Authorized individuals are issued access cards or key fobs that they use to gain entry to the building. When they approach the egress door, they present their access card to the card reader. If the card is valid, the locking mechanism releases, allowing the individual to exit the building.

Benefits of Access Controlled Egress Doors

Access controlled egress doors offer several benefits:

  • Enhanced security: Access controlled egress doors prevent unauthorized individuals from entering restricted areas, improving overall security.
  • Convenient access: Authorized individuals can easily exit the building without the need for keys or additional security measures.
  • Auditing capabilities: Access controlled egress doors can track and record the movement of individuals, providing valuable data for security purposes.
  • Emergency exits: In the event of an emergency, access controlled egress doors can be programmed to release, allowing a quick and safe evacuation.

Types of Access Controlled Egress Doors

1. Card-based Systems

Card-based access controlled egress doors are the most common type. They require individuals to present a valid access card to gain exit access. These systems can be integrated with other security measures such as CCTV cameras and alarms.

2. Biometric Systems

Biometric access controlled egress doors use unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints or retinal patterns, to grant exit access. These systems offer a high level of security but can be more expensive to implement.

Considerations for Implementing Access Controlled Egress Doors

Before implementing access controlled egress doors, there are several factors to consider:

  • Building codes and regulations: Ensure that the installation of access controlled egress doors complies with local building codes and regulations.
  • Integration with existing security systems: Assess how access controlled egress doors will integrate with your current security infrastructure.
  • Scalability: Consider the future growth and expansion of your facility when selecting access controlled egress doors.
  • Training and education: Provide proper training and education to staff members on how to use and maintain the access controlled egress doors.


In 2023, access controlled egress doors continue to play a crucial role in enhancing security and providing convenient exit access for authorized individuals. With various types available, businesses and organizations can choose the most suitable system that meets their specific needs. By considering the implementation factors mentioned above, a seamless integration of access controlled egress doors can be achieved, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all.