Ask Seek Knock Watch The Door Swing Wide Open Lyrics: A Guide To Unlocking Opportunities

» Ask, Seek, Knock by Pastor Abidan Shah
» Ask, Seek, Knock by Pastor Abidan Shah from


Are you familiar with the song “Ask Seek Knock” by a popular artist? The lyrics of this song hold a profound message that resonates with many individuals, especially those seeking opportunities in various aspects of life. In this article, we will dive into the meaning behind the lyrics and explore how they can inspire us to unlock doors that lead to success and fulfillment.

The Essence of “Ask Seek Knock”

The lyrics of “Ask Seek Knock” emphasize the importance of taking action and being proactive in pursuing our goals. The song encourages us to ask for what we desire, seek opportunities, and knock on doors in order to create possibilities for ourselves.

Asking for What You Desire

The first step highlighted in the lyrics is the act of asking for what we desire. This involves having the courage to articulate our wants and needs, both to ourselves and to others. By clearly expressing our desires, we open ourselves up to potential opportunities and collaborations that align with our goals.

Seeking Opportunities

Once we have identified our desires, the next step is to actively seek out opportunities that can help us achieve them. This requires being proactive, staying informed, and networking with individuals who may have valuable insights or connections. The lyrics of “Ask Seek Knock” remind us that opportunities rarely come knocking on our door; we must actively seek them out.

Knocking on Doors

The act of knocking on doors symbolizes taking initiative and actively pursuing our goals. It signifies our willingness to step outside our comfort zone, face potential rejections, and persistently seek new opportunities. The lyrics encourage us to embrace the uncertainty and challenges that come with knocking on doors, as they often lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.

Unlocking Doors to Success

By embodying the spirit of “Ask Seek Knock,” we position ourselves to unlock doors that lead to success and fulfillment. The lyrics remind us that opportunities may not always come easily or quickly, but through our persistent efforts, we can create our own pathways to success.

Embracing the Journey

The lyrics of “Ask Seek Knock” also emphasize the importance of embracing the journey rather than solely focusing on the end result. The process of asking, seeking, and knocking allows us to learn, grow, and gain valuable experiences along the way. It is through this journey that we develop the resilience and determination required to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.


The lyrics of “Ask Seek Knock” serve as a powerful reminder for us to be proactive in pursuing our goals and aspirations. By asking for what we desire, seeking out opportunities, and knocking on doors, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. So, let us embrace the message of this song and watch as the doors swing wide open to reveal the opportunities that await us.