Exploring The Vibrant Street Art Of Back Door Monkey Wynwood

25 Best & Fun Things to Do in Wynwood (Miami) The Tourist Checklist
25 Best & Fun Things to Do in Wynwood (Miami) The Tourist Checklist from thetouristchecklist.com

A Hidden Gem in Wynwood, Miami

Located in the heart of Wynwood, Miami, Back Door Monkey is a hidden gem that art enthusiasts and locals adore. This unique street art installation has gained popularity in recent years, attracting visitors from all over the world. With its vibrant colors, imaginative designs, and thought-provoking messages, Back Door Monkey has become an iconic landmark in the Wynwood neighborhood.

The Story Behind Back Door Monkey

Back Door Monkey was created in 2018 by a talented local artist named Alex Gomez. Inspired by the rich cultural history of Wynwood and the desire to bring art to unexpected places, Gomez transformed an ordinary back door into a stunning piece of art. The installation quickly gained attention and became a symbol of Wynwood’s vibrant art scene.

A Feast for the Eyes

Walking through the streets of Wynwood, you cannot miss the colorful and eye-catching Back Door Monkey. The artwork depicts a mischievous monkey swinging from a vine, surrounded by a lush jungle. The use of bold colors and intricate details brings the piece to life, creating a visually stunning experience for visitors.

Exploring the Messages

Back Door Monkey is not just a visually appealing artwork; it also carries meaningful messages. The monkey represents the playful and curious nature of humans, encouraging viewers to embrace their inner child and explore the world with wonder. The jungle backdrop symbolizes the untamed beauty of nature and the need to preserve it for future generations.

Interactive Experience

What sets Back Door Monkey apart from other street art installations is its interactive nature. Visitors are encouraged to take pictures with the artwork and share them on social media using the hashtag #BackDoorMonkey. This creates a sense of community and allows people to engage with the artwork beyond the physical space.

How to Find Back Door Monkey

Back Door Monkey is located on NW 2nd Avenue, between NW 25th and 26th Streets in Wynwood. The best way to explore Wynwood is on foot, as the area is filled with vibrant murals and street art. Take your time to wander through the streets and alleys, and you’ll stumble upon Back Door Monkey along the way.

Visiting Tips

If you’re planning a visit to Back Door Monkey, here are a few tips to make the most of your experience:

1. Bring your camera: Back Door Monkey offers countless photo opportunities, so don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone to capture the vibrant artwork.

2. Wear comfortable shoes: Wynwood is a large neighborhood with lots to explore, so make sure to wear comfortable shoes to fully enjoy your visit.

3. Visit during weekdays: While Back Door Monkey attracts a lot of visitors, weekdays tend to be less crowded, allowing you to take your time and appreciate the artwork without any rush.


Back Door Monkey in Wynwood is a must-visit for anyone interested in street art and vibrant installations. Its unique design, meaningful messages, and interactive nature make it a truly memorable experience. So, grab your camera, put on your walking shoes, and immerse yourself in the colorful world of Back Door Monkey.