Cheapest Car With Butterfly Doors In 2023

Car Door Types Sliding Butterfly that Commits Suicide with Scissors
Car Door Types Sliding Butterfly that Commits Suicide with Scissors from

Cheapest Car with Butterfly Doors in 2023


In 2023, car enthusiasts and automotive enthusiasts are on the lookout for the cheapest car with butterfly doors. Butterfly doors, also known as scissor doors, are a unique feature that adds a touch of style and elegance to a vehicle. This article will explore the market and highlight the most affordable options available.

Why Butterfly Doors?

Butterfly doors have gained popularity due to their eye-catching design and functionality. Unlike traditional doors that swing open, butterfly doors open upward, resembling the wings of a butterfly. This design not only looks sleek but also allows for easier access in tight parking spaces.

The Kia Stinger

One of the cheapest cars with butterfly doors in 2023 is the Kia Stinger. The Stinger is a sporty sedan that offers a unique combination of style, performance, and affordability. With its sleek design, powerful engine, and butterfly doors, the Kia Stinger stands out from the crowd.

The Hyundai Veloster

Another affordable option with butterfly doors is the Hyundai Veloster. This compact hatchback offers a distinctive design and a range of features for a reasonable price. The butterfly doors add a touch of sportiness to the Veloster, making it an attractive choice for those looking for a budget-friendly car with a unique feature.

Other Considerations

When searching for the cheapest car with butterfly doors, it’s important to consider factors such as affordability, reliability, and overall value for money. While the Kia Stinger and Hyundai Veloster offer butterfly doors at an affordable price, there may be other options available in the market.


In conclusion, if you’re looking for an affordable car with butterfly doors in 2023, the Kia Stinger and Hyundai Veloster are worth considering. These vehicles offer a unique combination of style, functionality, and affordability. However, it’s essential to research and compare different options to find the best deal that suits your preferences and budget.