Why Is My Collar Bone Bigger On The Left Side?

Surgical Repair of a Clavicle Fracture (Collarbone)
Surgical Repair of a Clavicle Fracture (Collarbone) from drhipandknee.com


The collarbone, also known as the clavicle, is a key bone in the shoulder girdle that connects the arm to the torso. It plays a crucial role in shoulder movement and stability. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to notice a size difference between their left and right collarbones. This article will explore the possible reasons why your collarbone may appear bigger on the left side.

Natural Anatomy Variations

One of the primary reasons for a perceived size discrepancy in collarbones is natural anatomical variations. It is perfectly normal for one side of the body to have slightly different bone structures than the other. This can be attributed to genetics and individual development. Therefore, your left collarbone may naturally be slightly bigger or longer than the right one.

Posture and Muscular Imbalances

Poor posture and muscular imbalances can also contribute to the appearance of a larger collarbone on one side. If you consistently slouch or favor one side of your body, it can lead to uneven stress distribution on the collarbones. Over time, this can result in muscle imbalances and asymmetry, making one collarbone appear more prominent than the other.

Injury or Fracture

If you have previously experienced an injury or fracture to your collarbone, it could explain the size difference. When a bone heals after a break, it may not align perfectly, resulting in a visible discrepancy. Additionally, if the injury occurred on the left side, the healing process could cause the bone to appear slightly bigger or more pronounced.

Skeletal Conditions

Skeletal conditions, such as scoliosis or kyphosis, can affect the alignment and shape of the bones in the body. If you have a spinal curvature disorder, it may cause the shoulder girdle to be uneven, leading to a difference in collarbone appearance. Consulting a medical professional can help determine if any skeletal conditions are contributing to the size difference.

Muscle Hypertrophy

Another possible reason for a larger left collarbone could be muscle hypertrophy. If you engage in activities or exercises that put more stress on your left side, such as carrying heavy objects or performing repetitive movements, the muscles surrounding the collarbone may become bigger and more defined. As a result, the left collarbone may appear more prominent.

Medical Conditions

In some cases, an underlying medical condition may cause an asymmetrical collarbone. Conditions such as osteomyelitis, bone tumors, or abnormal growth patterns can affect bone development and result in size differences. If you have concerns about your collarbone or notice any unusual symptoms, it is essential to seek medical advice for a proper evaluation.

Treatment Options

If the size difference in your collarbones is causing discomfort or self-consciousness, there are treatment options available. Physical therapy can help correct muscular imbalances and improve posture. In some cases, surgical interventions may be considered to address skeletal abnormalities or severe size discrepancies. However, it is crucial to consult with a medical professional to determine the most appropriate course of action.


The size difference between your left and right collarbones can be attributed to various factors, including natural anatomical variations, posture, injuries, skeletal conditions, muscle hypertrophy, or underlying medical conditions. It is essential to understand that slight differences are often normal and not a cause for concern. However, if you experience pain, discomfort, or significant size discrepancies, it is advisable to seek medical advice for proper evaluation and guidance.