Grilling Deer Tenderloin On A Pellet Grill: A Delicious And Easy Recipe

Smoked Venison Tenderloin Miss Allie's Kitchen Venison tenderloin
Smoked Venison Tenderloin Miss Allie's Kitchen Venison tenderloin from

Deer tenderloin is a lean and flavorful cut of meat that is perfect for grilling. If you’re looking to try something new and exciting on your pellet grill, this recipe is a must-try. In this article, we will walk you through the steps of grilling deer tenderloin on a pellet grill, providing you with tips and tricks to ensure a perfectly cooked and delicious meal.

Choosing the Right Cut of Deer Tenderloin

When it comes to grilling deer tenderloin, it’s important to start with a good quality cut of meat. Look for tenderloin that is fresh, well-trimmed, and free from any visible signs of spoilage. Ideally, you should aim for a tenderloin that is around 1 ½ to 2 inches in diameter, as this will ensure even cooking.

Marinating the Deer Tenderloin

Marinating the deer tenderloin is essential to infuse it with flavor and to tenderize the meat. You can create a simple marinade using ingredients like olive oil, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and your favorite herbs and spices. Place the tenderloin in a ziplock bag, pour the marinade over it, and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or overnight for maximum flavor.

Preparing the Pellet Grill

Before you start grilling, make sure your pellet grill is clean and preheated to a medium-high temperature, around 375°F. Pellet grills are great for grilling deer tenderloin as they provide consistent heat and smoke flavor. You can use any type of wood pellets for this recipe, but fruitwood pellets like apple or cherry will complement the flavors of the meat nicely.

Grilling the Deer Tenderloin

Remove the deer tenderloin from the marinade and pat it dry with paper towels. Season it generously with salt and pepper, or your favorite dry rub. Place the tenderloin directly on the preheated grill grates and let it cook for about 4-5 minutes per side, or until it reaches an internal temperature of 130°F for medium-rare. If you prefer your meat more well-done, cook it for a few minutes longer.

Resting and Serving the Grilled Deer Tenderloin

Once the deer tenderloin reaches your desired level of doneness, remove it from the grill and let it rest for about 5-10 minutes. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute and results in a more tender and flavorful meat. Slice the tenderloin against the grain into thick medallions and serve it with your favorite side dishes, such as roasted vegetables or a fresh salad.

Tips for Grilling Deer Tenderloin

Here are a few additional tips to ensure a successful grilling experience with deer tenderloin:

1. Don’t overcook the tenderloin, as it can easily become dry and tough. Keep a close eye on the internal temperature using a meat thermometer.

2. Let the meat rest before slicing to ensure juiciness.

3. Experiment with different marinades and dry rubs to add variety to your grilled deer tenderloin.

4. Serve the tenderloin with a flavorful sauce or compound butter for an extra burst of flavor.

5. Pair your grilled deer tenderloin with a full-bodied red wine or a hoppy craft beer for a perfect match.


Grilling deer tenderloin on a pellet grill is a fantastic way to enjoy this delicious and lean cut of meat. By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create a mouthwatering dish that will impress your family and friends. So fire up your pellet grill, grab some deer tenderloin, and get ready to indulge in a flavorful and juicy meal.