Does Pex Pipe Freeze And Bust?

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As we enter the year 2023, many homeowners are still concerned about the durability and reliability of Pex pipes. One common question that arises is whether Pex pipes are prone to freezing and bursting during cold weather. In this article, we will explore this issue and provide you with all the information you need to know.

Understanding Pex Pipes

Pex pipes, short for cross-linked polyethylene pipes, have gained popularity in recent years due to their flexibility, durability, and resistance to corrosion. These pipes are commonly used in plumbing systems to deliver both hot and cold water. However, their performance during freezing temperatures has been a subject of debate.

The Freezing Point of Pex Pipes

Pex pipes are designed to withstand freezing temperatures without bursting. The material used in their construction has a relatively low freezing point, typically around -40 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that Pex pipes can tolerate extreme cold without cracking or bursting.

Preventing Freezing and Bursting

Although Pex pipes are resistant to freezing, it is important to take preventive measures to ensure their longevity and optimal performance during cold weather.


One of the key preventive measures is proper insulation. Insulating your Pex pipes can help maintain a consistent temperature and prevent freezing. You can use foam pipe insulation or heat tape to wrap around the pipes, especially in areas exposed to extreme cold.

Draining the Pipes

If you are leaving your property unoccupied during winter or expecting a prolonged period of freezing temperatures, it is advisable to drain the Pex pipes. By turning off the water supply and opening all faucets, you can remove any remaining water from the pipes, reducing the risk of freezing and bursting.

Signs of Frozen Pex Pipes

In the event that your Pex pipes do freeze, it is important to identify the issue promptly to minimize damage and prevent bursting. Here are some signs that your Pex pipes may be frozen:

No Water Flow

If you turn on a faucet and no water comes out, it might indicate a frozen Pex pipe. This occurs because the ice blockage prevents water from flowing through the pipes.

Strange Noises

Another sign of frozen pipes is unusual noises coming from the plumbing system. You might hear banging, clanking, or cracking sounds, which could indicate that the water inside the pipes has frozen and is expanding.

Thawing Frozen Pex Pipes

If you suspect that your Pex pipes are frozen, it is crucial to thaw them as soon as possible to prevent bursting. Here are some methods you can use to thaw frozen Pex pipes:

Apply Heat

Using a hairdryer, heat lamp, or electric heating pad, you can gently warm the frozen section of the pipe. Start from the faucet end and work your way toward the frozen blockage. Be cautious and avoid using open flames or high temperatures, as they can damage the pipes.

Call a Professional

If you are unsure or uncomfortable with thawing the pipes yourself, it is best to call a professional plumber. They have the experience and tools to safely thaw the frozen Pex pipes without causing any further damage.


While Pex pipes are generally resistant to freezing and bursting, it is essential to take preventive measures during cold weather. Insulation and draining the pipes when necessary can help maintain the integrity of your Pex plumbing system. If you encounter frozen Pex pipes, prompt action is crucial to prevent bursting and minimize damage. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure the longevity and reliability of your Pex pipes even in freezing temperatures.