How To Fix A Burst Copper Pipe

Domestic Heating Copper Pipe Badly Soldered Leaking Joint Repair
Domestic Heating Copper Pipe Badly Soldered Leaking Joint Repair from


A burst copper pipe can be a major headache, causing water damage and potential flooding in your home. It is crucial to address this issue promptly to prevent further damage. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to fix a burst copper pipe, ensuring a quick and effective solution.

Identifying the Burst Pipe

The first step is to locate the burst pipe. Look for signs of water leakage, such as damp patches, water stains, or a sudden decrease in water pressure. Follow the trail of water to identify the exact section of the pipe that needs repair.

Shut Off the Water Supply

Before attempting any repairs, it is essential to turn off the water supply to prevent further water damage. Locate the main water shut-off valve in your home and close it. This will stop the flow of water and allow you to work on fixing the burst pipe safely.

Drain the Water

Next, drain the remaining water from the affected pipe. Open all the faucets connected to the pipe and let the water flow out. Use a bucket or a towel to catch any excess water and prevent further mess.

Prepare the Pipe for Repair

Clean the area around the burst pipe using a wire brush or sandpaper. This will remove any corrosion or debris, allowing for a better seal. Dry the pipe thoroughly to ensure a strong bond when applying the repair solution.

Choose the Repair Method

There are several methods to fix a burst copper pipe, depending on the severity of the damage. For small cracks or pinhole leaks, you can use epoxy putty or pipe repair tape. These temporary solutions can provide a quick fix until a permanent repair can be made.

Soldering Method

If the burst is more significant, soldering may be necessary. Start by applying flux to the damaged area, then heat the pipe using a propane torch. Once the pipe is hot enough, melt solder onto the joint, ensuring a watertight seal. Remember to wear protective gloves and goggles during this process.

Compression Fittings

Compression fittings are another option for fixing a burst copper pipe. These fittings consist of a nut and a ring that compress around the pipe, creating a tight seal. Simply slide the compression fitting onto the pipe, tighten the nut, and check for any leaks.

Test the Repair

After completing the repair, turn the water supply back on and check for any leaks. Inspect the repaired area closely and ensure that water flows smoothly through the pipe. If there are no signs of leakage, your repair has been successful.

Preventing Future Burst Pipes

To avoid future burst pipes, it is crucial to take preventive measures. Insulate exposed pipes in cold areas of your home to protect them from freezing. Regularly check for signs of corrosion or damage and address any issues promptly. Additionally, maintain proper water pressure and avoid using excessive force when turning faucets on and off.


A burst copper pipe can be a stressful situation, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can fix it effectively. Identifying the burst pipe, shutting off the water supply, and choosing the appropriate repair method are crucial steps in the process. Remember to test the repair and take preventive measures to avoid future incidents. By following these guidelines, you can successfully fix a burst copper pipe and ensure the safety of your home.