Graduation Gown Collar Meaning

Bachelor's Degree Graduation Gown Colours Meaning deepzwalkalone
Bachelor's Degree Graduation Gown Colours Meaning deepzwalkalone from

Graduation Gown Collar Meaning in 2023

Understanding the Symbolism Behind Graduation Gown Collars

Graduation gowns are worn by students during commencement ceremonies to signify their academic achievements and accomplishments. These gowns are often adorned with various elements, including collars, which hold significant meanings. In this article, we will explore the symbolism behind graduation gown collars in the year 2023.

The Importance of Collars

The collar of a graduation gown serves as a visual representation of the wearer’s degree level, field of study, and academic honors. It distinguishes individuals based on their educational achievements and allows them to proudly display their accomplishments during the graduation ceremony.

Here are some common collar colors and their meanings:

1. Black Collar

The black collar is typically worn by students graduating with a bachelor’s degree. It symbolizes the completion of their undergraduate studies and represents their commitment to academic excellence.

2. Blue Collar

Students who have earned a master’s degree often wear a blue collar. This collar signifies their advanced level of education and expertise in their chosen field. It represents the dedication and hard work they have put into their graduate studies.

3. Gold Collar

A gold collar is reserved for students who have achieved the highest level of academic excellence. It is typically worn by those who have earned a doctoral degree, such as a Ph.D. or an Ed.D. This collar symbolizes the extensive research, knowledge, and expertise in their respective fields.

4. Colored Trims

In addition to collar colors, some gowns may also feature colored trims. These trims can represent specific academic disciplines or honors. For example, a green trim may indicate a degree in the field of medicine, while a red trim may signify a degree in business or economics.

It’s essential to note that collar colors and trims can vary between educational institutions, so it’s crucial for graduates to consult their university’s guidelines to understand the specific meanings behind their gown’s design.


Graduation gown collars hold significant meaning and symbolism. They reflect the wearer’s level of education, field of study, and academic achievements. Whether it’s a black collar for a bachelor’s degree, a blue collar for a master’s degree, or a gold collar for a doctoral degree, these collars allow graduates to proudly showcase their accomplishments during their commencement ceremonies in the year 2023.