How Many Doors And Windows Were In The Ark?

How Many Animals Were on the Ark? Master Book Publishers 9780890519356
How Many Animals Were on the Ark? Master Book Publishers 9780890519356 from


In the year 2023, we still find ourselves fascinated by the story of Noah’s Ark. The biblical tale of how Noah built an enormous ark to save himself, his family, and pairs of every kind of animal from a catastrophic flood is captivating. One question that often arises is how many doors and windows were in the ark. Let’s explore this topic further.

The Dimensions of the Ark

According to the Bible, God instructed Noah to build an ark that was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. A cubit is an ancient unit of measurement, roughly equal to the length of a man’s forearm. Based on these dimensions, the ark was approximately 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high.

The Purpose of Doors

Doors serve as entry and exit points, allowing people and animals to move in and out of a structure. Considering the size of the ark and the need for efficient movement, it would make sense for Noah to have included multiple doors to facilitate the loading and unloading of animals.

How Many Doors Were There?

The Bible does not explicitly mention the exact number of doors in the ark. However, it does state that Noah was instructed to make a door in the side of the ark for easy access. Based on this information, it is safe to assume that there was at least one door on the ark.

The Importance of Windows

Windows play a crucial role in providing light, ventilation, and a connection to the outside world. Considering the length of time Noah and the animals spent inside the ark, having windows would have been essential for their well-being.

How Many Windows Were There?

Similar to doors, the Bible does not provide an exact count of the number of windows on the ark. However, it does mention that Noah was instructed to make a window for the ark. This suggests that there was at least one window, though it is possible that there were more.

Speculations and Interpretations

Given the lack of specific information in the biblical account, scholars and enthusiasts have offered various speculations and interpretations regarding the number of doors and windows in the ark. Some suggest that there may have been multiple doors and windows to ensure efficient movement and ventilation for the vast number of animals aboard. Others argue that one door and one window would have been sufficient.


While the exact number of doors and windows on Noah’s Ark remains uncertain, it is evident that there was at least one door and one window. The purpose of these openings was to facilitate movement, loading, unloading, and provide essential light and ventilation. As we continue to study and explore the story of Noah and the Ark, the details surrounding these architectural features may remain open to interpretation and speculation.