How Many Square Feet Is A Shipping Container?

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Shipping containers have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their versatility and affordability. Whether you’re looking to convert one into a tiny home, office space, or storage unit, it’s important to know the dimensions and square footage of these containers. In this article, we will explore the various sizes of shipping containers and calculate their square footage.

Standard Shipping Container Sizes

20-Foot Container

The most common size of a shipping container is the 20-foot container. It has external dimensions of 20 feet in length, 8 feet in width, and 8 feet 6 inches in height. To calculate the square footage, we need to consider only the floor area, which is 160 square feet.

40-Foot Container

Another popular size is the 40-foot container. It has external dimensions of 40 feet in length, 8 feet in width, and 8 feet 6 inches in height. The floor area of a 40-foot container is 320 square feet.

High Cube Containers

There are also high cube containers available, which have an additional foot in height compared to standard containers. The extra height allows for more storage space. The square footage of a 20-foot high cube container is 160 square feet, while a 40-foot high cube container has a floor area of 320 square feet.

Calculating Square Footage

To calculate the square footage of a shipping container, you simply need to multiply the length and width of the container. The height is not considered when calculating the square footage because it does not contribute to the floor area. For example, a 20-foot container with dimensions of 20 feet by 8 feet has a total floor area of 160 square feet.

Considering Interior Space

It’s important to note that the square footage mentioned above refers only to the floor space of the container. When converting a shipping container into a livable or usable space, you must also consider the interior dimensions. The presence of walls, insulation, and other fixtures will reduce the usable square footage.

Maximizing Space in Shipping Containers

While the standard dimensions of shipping containers provide a good starting point, there are ways to maximize the usable space. Utilizing vertical space by adding mezzanine floors, installing shelves, or using loft beds can significantly increase the storage or living area.


Shipping containers come in various sizes, with the most common being 20 feet and 40 feet. The square footage of a 20-foot container is 160 square feet, while a 40-foot container offers 320 square feet. High cube containers provide an additional foot of height, allowing for more storage space. When converting a shipping container, it’s essential to consider the interior dimensions and make the most of the available space. By understanding the square footage and dimensions of shipping containers, you can plan your conversion or storage needs more effectively.