How To Cut Out Hinges On Door Jamb

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How to Cut Out Hinges on Door Jamb


When it comes to hanging a door, one of the most important steps is cutting out hinges on the door jamb. Properly cutting out the hinges ensures that the door swings smoothly and fits securely in the frame. In this article, we will guide you through the process of cutting out hinges on a door jamb, providing step-by-step instructions and useful tips.

Tools and Materials

Before you begin, gather the following tools and materials:

  • Chisel
  • Hammer
  • Combination square
  • Power drill
  • Door hinge template
  • Marker or pencil
  • Safety goggles

Step 1: Measure and Mark

Start by measuring and marking the correct placement of the hinges on the door jamb. Use a combination square to ensure accurate measurements. Mark the positions of the top and bottom hinges, leaving enough space for the door to swing freely without scraping against the frame.

Step 2: Secure the Door Jamb

Next, secure the door jamb by placing a wedge under it. This will prevent the door jamb from moving while you cut out the hinges.

Step 3: Position the Hinge Template

Using a door hinge template, position it on the marked areas for the hinges. Ensure that the template is aligned correctly and centered on the door jamb.

Step 4: Trace the Template

Using a marker or pencil, trace around the template to transfer the hinge outlines onto the door jamb. Be precise and make sure the outlines are clear and visible.

Step 5: Score the Hinge Outlines

With a sharp chisel, score along the hinge outlines. This will create a groove for the chisel to fit in and prevent any wood from splintering when you start cutting.

Step 6: Chisel Out Waste

Using a hammer and chisel, carefully remove the waste wood within the scored outlines. Start by making small cuts and gradually deepen them until you reach the desired depth for the hinge.

Step 7: Test the Hinge Fit

Once you have chiseled out the waste, test the hinge fit by placing it in the recess. The hinge should fit snugly without any gaps or wobbling.

Step 8: Repeat for Other Hinges

Repeat steps 3 to 7 for the remaining hinges on the door jamb. Take your time and ensure each hinge recess is cut accurately.

Step 9: Install the Hinges

Once all the hinge recesses are cut, it’s time to install the hinges. Align each hinge with its corresponding recess and secure them in place using screws and a power drill.

Step 10: Hang the Door

Finally, hang the door on the hinges and test its swing. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the door opens and closes smoothly without any resistance.


By following these step-by-step instructions, you can successfully cut out hinges on a door jamb. Remember to take your time, be precise, and use the right tools for the job. With practice, you’ll become more confident in this essential skill for hanging doors.