How To Wean Baby Off Night Bottle

How to Wean Your Baby Off Night Feeds (StepbyStep Guide) in 2021
How to Wean Your Baby Off Night Feeds (StepbyStep Guide) in 2021 from


As your baby grows, it becomes important to start weaning them off their night bottle. Nighttime feedings can disrupt their sleep patterns and prevent them from learning to self-soothe. In this article, we will provide you with some tips and strategies to help you successfully wean your baby off their night bottle.

1. Gradual Transition

One of the most effective ways to wean your baby off their night bottle is to do it gradually. Start by reducing the amount of milk or formula you offer in the bottle each night. You can gradually replace the bottle with a sippy cup or a regular cup to encourage independent drinking.

2. Offer a Soothing Bedtime Routine

Creating a soothing bedtime routine can help your baby feel relaxed and ready for sleep. Include activities like a warm bath, gentle massage, and reading a bedtime story. This routine will help your baby associate these activities with sleep, reducing their dependence on the night bottle.

3. Distract with a Pacifier or Lovey

If your baby is used to the comfort of sucking on a bottle, you can try replacing it with a pacifier or a lovey. Introduce these items during bedtime and offer them instead of the night bottle when your baby wakes up. This will help provide comfort without the need for feeding.

4. Adjust Daytime Feedings

If your baby is still taking multiple feedings during the day, it might be helpful to adjust their daytime feeding schedule. Ensure that they are getting enough calories and nutrition during the day, so they are less reliant on the night bottle for nourishment.

5. Offer Water Instead

If your baby wakes up expecting a bottle, try offering them water instead. Gradually reduce the amount of milk or formula in the bottle and replace it with water. Eventually, your baby will associate waking up with thirst rather than hunger.

6. Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to weaning your baby off their night bottle. Stick to the new routine and resist the temptation to give in to their demands for a bottle. It may take time for your baby to adjust, but they will eventually learn to fall back asleep without the need for feeding.

7. Provide Comfort and Reassurance

During the weaning process, it’s important to provide comfort and reassurance to your baby. Use gentle soothing techniques like patting their back, singing a lullaby, or offering a comforting touch. This will help them feel secure and loved, even without the night bottle.

8. Seek Support

If you’re struggling with the weaning process, don’t hesitate to seek support from your pediatrician or a lactation consultant. They can provide guidance and advice tailored to your baby’s specific needs.

9. Stay Patient

Weaning your baby off their night bottle can be a challenging process, but it’s important to stay patient. Each baby is different, and it may take some time for your little one to adjust to the new routine. Stay consistent and provide lots of love and support along the way.

10. Celebrate Milestones

As your baby successfully transitions away from their night bottle, celebrate their milestones. Offer praise and rewards for their progress, such as stickers or small treats. This positive reinforcement will motivate them to continue their journey towards independent sleep.