Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum: A Hub For Creativity And Community

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Tipsy Tuesday 3ǃ (A map where me and my friends from a certain from


Welcome to the Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum, a thriving online community dedicated to the art of basket weaving. Since its inception in 2005, the forum has become a go-to destination for weaving enthusiasts from all over the world. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced weaver seeking inspiration, this forum has something for everyone.

Sharing Knowledge and Experiences

One of the primary goals of the Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum is to foster knowledge sharing and collaboration among its members. With thousands of active users, the forum serves as a platform for weavers to exchange tips, techniques, and experiences. Whether you have a question about a specific weaving pattern or need advice on selecting the right materials, the forum’s community is always ready to help.

Learning Resources

For beginners, the forum offers a treasure trove of learning resources. From step-by-step tutorials to video demonstrations, you’ll find everything you need to kickstart your basket weaving journey. The forum also features a dedicated section for weaving workshops and courses conducted by experienced weavers. These workshops provide a unique opportunity to learn directly from the experts and refine your skills.

Inspiration and Creativity

If you’re looking for inspiration, the Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum has got you covered. Members regularly share their latest creations, showcasing a wide range of weaving styles, patterns, and materials. Whether you prefer traditional designs or contemporary innovations, you’ll find a wealth of ideas to fuel your creativity. The forum also conducts regular challenges and competitions, encouraging members to push their creative boundaries and explore new techniques.

Community Building

More than just a platform for learning and inspiration, the Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum is a tight-knit community. Members engage in lively discussions, share personal stories, and forge lasting friendships. The forum hosts virtual meetups and local gatherings, allowing members to connect in person and further strengthen their bond. The sense of camaraderie and support within the community is truly remarkable.


For those interested in buying or selling woven baskets, the forum’s marketplace is the perfect place to connect with potential buyers or sellers. Whether you’re a professional weaver looking to showcase your creations or a collector searching for unique pieces, the marketplace offers a wide range of options. Members can also trade materials, tools, and weaving supplies, making it a one-stop-shop for all your basket weaving needs.


The Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum is more than just a website; it’s a thriving community of passionate weavers. Whether you’re a seasoned weaver or just starting out, the forum offers a wealth of resources, inspiration, and support. Join the forum today and embark on a journey of creativity, learning, and friendship.