Shaker Style Door Trim: A Classic And Timeless Look

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When it comes to interior design, the details matter. One small detail that can make a huge impact on the overall look and feel of a room is the door trim. One popular style that has stood the test of time is the Shaker style door trim. In this article, we will explore the origins of Shaker style door trim, its key characteristics, and how you can incorporate it into your own home.

The Origins of Shaker Style

The Shaker style originated from the religious sect called the Shakers, who were known for their simple and minimalist approach to design. They believed in creating functional and practical furniture and architectural elements. This philosophy is reflected in the Shaker style door trim, which is characterized by clean lines, minimal ornamentation, and a focus on craftsmanship.

Key Characteristics of Shaker Style Door Trim

1. Clean and Simple Lines

Shaker style door trim is known for its clean and simple lines. Unlike other ornate trim styles, Shaker style trim features straight edges and minimal embellishments. This simplicity allows the trim to blend seamlessly with any interior design style, making it a versatile choice for any home.

2. Minimal Ornamentation

Shaker style door trim is all about simplicity. It avoids excessive ornamentation and decorative elements. Instead, it focuses on the beauty of natural wood and the craftsmanship of the trim itself. This minimalistic approach creates a timeless and elegant look that can elevate any room.

3. Focus on Craftsmanship

One of the hallmarks of Shaker style door trim is the emphasis on craftsmanship. The Shakers believed in creating high-quality and durable pieces that would last for generations. This dedication to craftsmanship is evident in the precise joinery and attention to detail found in Shaker style trim.

Incorporating Shaker Style Door Trim in Your Home

Now that you know the key characteristics of Shaker style door trim, you may be wondering how to incorporate it into your own home. Here are a few ideas:

1. Complete the Look with Shaker Style Doors

To achieve a cohesive look, consider pairing your Shaker style door trim with Shaker style doors. These doors feature the same clean lines and minimalistic design, creating a unified and harmonious aesthetic.

2. Choose the Right Wood

When selecting the wood for your Shaker style door trim, opt for a species that complements your interior design style. Popular choices include oak, maple, and pine. Remember to consider the color and grain pattern of the wood to ensure it enhances the overall look of your space.

3. Play with Paint Colors

While Shaker style door trim is often associated with natural wood finishes, you can also experiment with paint colors to add a touch of personality to your space. Opt for neutral tones for a classic look or go bold with vibrant colors for a modern twist.

4. Consider Paneling

For a more traditional look, consider adding paneling to your Shaker style door trim. This can create depth and visual interest, especially in larger rooms or formal spaces.


Shaker style door trim is a classic and timeless choice for any home. Its clean lines, minimal ornamentation, and focus on craftsmanship make it a versatile option that can complement any interior design style. By incorporating Shaker style door trim into your home, you can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your space.