Water Coming In Under Door Threshold: Causes And Solutions

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Dealing with water coming in under the door threshold can be a frustrating experience for homeowners. Not only can it cause damage to your flooring and interior, but it can also lead to mold and mildew growth, posing health risks. In this article, we will explore the common causes of water infiltration under door thresholds and provide effective solutions to prevent this issue.

Causes of Water Infiltration

1. Improper Installation: One of the main reasons for water coming in under the door threshold is improper installation. If the threshold is not correctly sealed or if there are gaps, water can easily seep through.

2. Poor Weatherstripping: Weatherstripping is designed to create a seal between the door and the threshold, preventing water from entering. If the weatherstripping is worn out or damaged, it can allow water to penetrate.

3. Incorrect Slope: The slope of the ground outside the door plays a crucial role in directing water away from the threshold. If the slope is incorrect, water can accumulate and find its way inside.

4. Aging and Deterioration: Over time, door thresholds can deteriorate due to age, exposure to harsh weather conditions, or wear and tear. Cracks and gaps can form, allowing water to seep through.

Solutions to Prevent Water Infiltration

1. Proper Installation and Sealing

To prevent water infiltration, it is essential to ensure that the door threshold is installed correctly and adequately sealed. Hire a professional if needed to ensure a tight seal and proper alignment.

2. Replace Weatherstripping

If the weatherstripping is damaged or worn out, it should be replaced promptly. Choose high-quality weatherstripping that is resistant to water and can create an effective seal.

3. Adjust Slope and Drainage

If the slope outside the door is incorrect, consider regrading the area to ensure proper drainage. This will help divert water away from the threshold, preventing water infiltration.

4. Repair or Replace Threshold

If the threshold is heavily damaged or deteriorated, it may need to be repaired or replaced. Consult a professional to determine the best course of action based on the extent of the damage.

Maintenance Tips

1. Regularly inspect the door threshold for any signs of damage or wear.

2. Keep the threshold clean and free from debris that could obstruct drainage.

3. Apply a waterproof sealant to the threshold periodically to enhance its resistance to water infiltration.

4. Check the weatherstripping regularly and replace it if necessary.


Water coming in under the door threshold can be a major concern for homeowners, but with proper installation, maintenance, and timely repairs, this issue can be effectively addressed. By following the solutions and maintenance tips mentioned in this article, you can prevent water infiltration and protect your home from potential damage.