What Are Bicycle Kicks

Crazy bicycle kick goal has even crazier Spanish commentary
Crazy bicycle kick goal has even crazier Spanish commentary from thecomeback.com

What Are Bicycle Kicks


Bicycle kicks, also known as overhead kicks or scissors kicks, are a spectacular skill often seen in soccer. They involve an acrobatic movement where a player kicks the ball while in mid-air, with their back facing the ground. Bicycle kicks are not only visually impressive but also require excellent coordination, timing, and athleticism.


The technique for performing a bicycle kick involves several steps:

  1. Position yourself correctly: To execute a bicycle kick, you need to position yourself in front of the ball with your back facing the goal.
  2. Jump and lean back: Propel yourself into the air by jumping off your supporting foot while simultaneously leaning back.
  3. Extend your leg: As you reach the peak of your jump, extend your preferred kicking leg upwards.
  4. Bring your non-kicking leg up: Simultaneously, bring your non-kicking leg up towards your chest to maintain balance and generate power.
  5. Strike the ball: As your kicking leg reaches its highest point, forcefully strike the ball with the top of your foot, aiming for accuracy and power.
  6. Land safely: After executing the kick, try to land safely to avoid any injuries.


The bicycle kick has a long history in soccer, with its origins dating back to the late 19th century. It is believed to have been first performed by a Chilean player named Ramón Unzaga in the early 1900s. Since then, bicycle kicks have become a popular and iconic move in the sport, captivating fans and players alike.

Notable Players

Throughout the years, numerous players have showcased their bicycle kick skills on the field. Some of the most notable players known for their incredible bicycle kicks include Cristiano Ronaldo, Zlatan Ibrahimović, Ronaldinho, and Hugo Sánchez. These players have successfully executed bicycle kicks in important matches, leaving fans in awe.

When to Use

Bicycle kicks are typically used in situations where a player needs to quickly strike the ball while in mid-air. They are often employed when the ball is too high to be reached with a regular shot or header. Bicycle kicks can be attempted in various situations, such as crosses, corner kicks, or even during open play if the opportunity arises.

Practice Tips

Mastering the bicycle kick requires practice, coordination, and timing. Here are a few tips to help you improve your technique:

  • Start with basic exercises: Begin by practicing basic jumping and kicking exercises to develop your leg strength and coordination.
  • Work on your flexibility: Stretching exercises can help improve your flexibility, allowing you to kick higher and with more ease.
  • Focus on timing: Timing is crucial for a successful bicycle kick. Practice your timing by attempting the kick against a moving ball or with a partner.
  • Gradually increase difficulty: Once you have mastered the basic technique, challenge yourself by attempting bicycle kicks from different angles or with different ball trajectories.

Safety Considerations

While bicycle kicks can be an exciting move to attempt, it is important to prioritize safety:

  • Ensure proper landing: When performing a bicycle kick, make sure you land safely to avoid any injuries. Practice landing techniques to reduce the risk of accidents.
  • Warm up and stretch: Always warm up your muscles and stretch properly before attempting any acrobatic moves. This helps prevent muscle strains and injuries.
  • Use protective gear: If you are a beginner or attempting more advanced variations, consider using protective gear such as shin guards to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Consult a coach or trainer: If you are unsure about proper technique or need guidance, consult a soccer coach or trainer who can provide valuable advice and ensure your safety.


Bicycle kicks are a remarkable display of skill and athleticism in soccer. Executing a successful bicycle kick requires practice, coordination, and timing. While they may seem challenging, with dedication and proper technique, you can improve your ability to perform this exciting move on the field. Remember to prioritize safety and enjoy the experience of mastering the art of the bicycle kick.