When Does A Crape Myrtle Bloom?

Crepe Myrtle Not Blooming Getting Crepe Myrtle Trees To Bloom
Crepe Myrtle Not Blooming Getting Crepe Myrtle Trees To Bloom from www.gardeningknowhow.com


Crape myrtles are beautiful flowering plants that are popular in gardens and landscapes. They are known for their vibrant blooms and attractive foliage. If you are planning to grow crape myrtles or already have them in your garden, you might be wondering when they bloom. In this article, we will explore the blooming season of crape myrtles and provide you with some valuable tips to ensure a bountiful display of flowers.

Blooming Season

Crape myrtles typically bloom during the summer months, starting from late spring and extending into early fall. The exact blooming period depends on the specific variety of crape myrtle and the climate of your region. In general, crape myrtles require warm temperatures and plenty of sunlight to bloom profusely.

Early Bloomers

Some crape myrtle varieties are early bloomers and start flowering as early as late spring. These varieties include ‘Acoma’ and ‘Natchez.’ If you have these varieties in your garden, you can expect to see their beautiful blooms in late May or early June.

Mid-Season Bloomers

Most crape myrtle varieties fall into the mid-season blooming category. These varieties begin to flower in early to mid-summer. Some popular mid-season bloomers include ‘Dynamite,’ ‘Muskogee,’ and ‘Tonto.’ These varieties usually start blooming in late June or early July and continue to produce flowers until early September.

Late Bloomers

There are also a few crape myrtle varieties that bloom later in the season, typically in late summer or early fall. These varieties include ‘Tuscarora’ and ‘Sioux.’ If you have these late blooming varieties, you can enjoy their stunning blooms from August to October.

Factors Affecting Blooming

While the blooming season of crape myrtles is generally predictable, there are a few factors that can affect their blooming patterns. These factors include:


Crape myrtles thrive in warm temperatures and require a certain number of heat units to initiate blooming. If your region experiences cooler temperatures or extended periods of cold weather, the blooming time of your crape myrtles may be delayed.


Pruning plays an important role in crape myrtle blooming. It is recommended to prune crape myrtles during late winter or early spring before new growth emerges. Improper or excessive pruning can delay or reduce blooming, so it’s crucial to follow the correct pruning techniques.


Crape myrtles are sun-loving plants and require at least six hours of direct sunlight daily to bloom abundantly. If your crape myrtles are not receiving enough sunlight due to shade from buildings or trees, their blooming may be affected.

In Conclusion

Knowing when crape myrtles bloom can help you plan your garden and ensure a spectacular display of flowers. With their vibrant colors and graceful blooms, crape myrtles are sure to enhance the beauty of any landscape. By considering the blooming season and taking care of factors that affect blooming, you can enjoy the stunning flowers of crape myrtles throughout the summer and early fall.